DOJ 'inadvertently' publishes list of clients of Sarah Lawrence sex cult prostitute

A slew of prominent Wall Street titans, justice officials and artists are hyperventilating after being outed as “main clients” of a young prostitute connected to a sex cult at posh Sarah Lawrence College.

The list of clients was accidentally released and, according to the New York Post, contains many high-fliers.

One person on the list of 121 names is a financier who also appears in billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious little black book. Another’s name also appears on one of the Big Apple’s museums.

A former New York Supreme Court judge, a Gap Inc. executive and her husband, and an Amazon account executive are also listed.

The list, mistakenly released by the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office, contains frequent clients of Claudia Drury.

Drury allegedly was forced into prostitution by a man named Larry Ray who lived in his daughter’s dorm room at Sarah Lawrence and established his college girl sex cult from there. Cops say Ray later forced the young women into prostitution.

Now 31, Drury has testified in court that Ray put her into sex work and kept the money. He is on trial for a slew of sex-related charges.

She is the prize prosecution witness and testified that Ray made millions prostituting her. Drury allegedly sent the infamous list in a 2018 email to Ray’s alleged co-conspirator, Isabella Pollok.

Ray is accused of exploiting several Sarah Lawrence students who were roommates of his daughter for a decade to obtain money, power and sex for himself.
