Google ‘infiltrated by religious cult,’ ex-employee claims in lawsuit

Google has been accused of employing a large number of people belonging to an unusual religious group in California.

The Fellowship of Friends is a group that believes most of us are living in a state of “waking sleep.”

According to the New York Times, the Fellowship of Friends is a “cult-like religious sect” that’s infiltrated Google.

The group has reportedly gained a powerful position at the tech giant and has started to hire more members of the “cult-like sect.”

The New York Times says the takeover has been happening for years.

A former employee is now said to be suing over the situation.

Former Google employee Kevin Lloyd told the Times: “Once you become aware of this, you become responsible.”

That’s why Lloyd is bringing a legal case against Google.

He’s using a lawyer who won $6.5 million for a client who claimed she hadn’t been promoted because she wasn’t a member of the Fellowship of Friends.

It’s unclear how many Google employees are actually members of the Fellowship.

The group is also known as Living Presence and the Fourth Way School.

It has faced multiple damning accusations in the past and the new lawsuit accuses it of having a history of sex trafficking.

The Fellowship was founded by Robert Earl Burton in 1970.

He predicted that civilization is doomed and his group aims to form a new civilization after the one we know now is over.

We reached out to Google for comment and a spokesperson told us: “We have long-standing employee and supplier policies in place to prevent discrimination and conflicts of interest, and we take those seriously.

“It’s against the law to ask for the religious affiliations of those who work for us or for our suppliers, but we’ll of course thoroughly look into these allegations for any irregularities or improper contracting practices.

“If we find evidence of policy violations, we will take action.

“We investigated the concerns Mr. Lloyd raised in his lawsuit, and confirmed that his vendor assignment ended due to well-documented performance issues.”
