Why was the Dallas synagogue terrorist allowed into the US?

Why was Malik Faisal Akram even in this country?

That’s only one of many questions surrounding the Brit’s attack on a Texas synagogue, but it’s one of the biggest.

As Avram’s brother told Sky News, “He’s known to police. Got a criminal record.” Nor did he have any visible means of support; Gulbar Akram also says he “was suffering from mental health issues.”

Yet the feds say he somehow got a visa and flew into JFK around New Year’s, listing a hotel on Queens Boulevard as his destination. He then made his way to Dallas, where he stayed at a homeless shelter for a week and bought a gun — “off the street,” according to President Joe Biden (who, to be fair, has been known to make stuff up).

Then he took Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker and four Congregation Beth Israel congregants hostage, demanding the release of convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, who’s serving a decades-long sentence in Fort Worth and has become a cause celebre for jihadists.

Thank God the rabbi managed to lead an escape (after 10 hours), leaving the FBI free to use deadly force to bring him down.

Good on the G-men for resolving the crisis without loss of innocent life (even if a higher-up later seemed to suggest there was nothing anti-Semitic about targeting a temple). But other feds plainly screwed up by letting this guy into the country in the first place.

American travelers put up with a vast amount of security theater: millions of man-hours lost each year to unpredictably long TSA lines; intrusive pat-downs; the whole take-off-your-shoes-and-belt rigamarole. Yet the vast security apparatus can’t screen out a mentally ill Muslim extremist?

One who, the Telegraph reports, had been banned from a UK court after ranting about 9/11?

The feds have got some explaining to do.
