Wrongful termination suit coming for Rio Tinto

In August 2016, only eight weeks into Jean-Sebastien Jacques’ leadership of Rio Tinto, the company “became aware of email correspondence from 2011 relating to contractual payments totalling $US10.5 million made to a consultant providing advisory services on the Simandou project in Guinea”.

Rio Tinto “became aware” of the internal emails after they were leaked to an obscure French internet forum, fnPaste.

In November 2016, Rio Tinto self-reported “suspected corruption” to the United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office, the US Department of Justice and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and summarily fired energy and minerals boss Alan Davies and general counsel Debra Valentine. The board had also agreed with Jacques’ predecessor, Sam Walsh, to defer the payment of his outstanding at-risk remuneration.

The emails – between Davies, Walsh and Walsh’s predecessor, Tom Albanese, discussing the payment of a success fee to a lobbyist – are widely available and completely innocuous. Indeed, in throwing out a class action based on the negative share price reaction to their disclosure, a US District Court judge said: “The emails appear to discuss legitimate consulting practices.”

The Financial Times reported in July last year, at the height of the Juukan Gorge outcry, that Rio Tinto was “seeking a deferred prosecution agreement” with the SFO over the lobbyist payment. Jacques was clinging to his job and, perversely, Rio Tinto pleading guilty to a crime it didn’t commit would have handed him a vindication. Nothing came of the speculation, and it’s entirely unclear that the SFO even cares to prosecute Rio Tinto, whatever the company wished to confess to.

And as our colleague Peter Ker reported on Friday, ASIC has now closed the book on its investigation and informed Davies it will take no action “due to insufficient evidence”. ASIC received the same evidence as its international peers.

That a dubious purge of Jacques’ nearest leadership rival occurred in the first weeks of Jacques’ tenure is quite unsurprising. But it remains a genuine mystery how his board – whose surviving members from that time include its nearly gone British chairman Simon Thompson and Australian Megan Clark – ever believed these emails constituted wrongdoing.

Rio Tinto’s consultant performance coach for its executive management team, Maurice Duffy, resigned his long-term contract in December 2017, “because of serious misgivings about unethical behaviour”.

Before leaving, Duffy warned Rio Tinto’s then-chairman Jan du Plessis and other directors about “multiple unprofessional [and] unethical behaviours” of senior executives and specifically about “the leaks of emails, and how they were orchestrated … in order to remove Alan Davies and Debra Valentine”.

Duffy wrote to the entire board of Rio Tinto in November 2019 complaining that du Plessis and other directors “took no action” in response to his 2017 bombshell. A second time, no action was taken. Is it any wonder this complacent little tea club of professional directors failed so abjectly to react appropriately during the Juukan Gorge crisis?

Also in 2017, du Plessis was livid at the coverage of “Rio’s pre-emptive internal justice” by this newspaper’s Matthew Stevens, forewarning our since-retired mining columnist that he would be offering du Plessis an apology once the Simandou “corruption” question was resolved.

By way of formal update, Stevens owes him no such thing. Du Plessis (and Thompson and Clark) owes an apology to Australian investors, for picking a saboteur to lead Rio Tinto into a remarkable era of calamity and underperformance.

What is that beeping noise? That is the sound of haul trucks backing into St James’s Square in London to carry the mountains of cash Rio Tinto is going to pay Davies for wrongful termination.

The only question is, who leaves with more cash: Davies, who sought and received permission to pay a consultant, or Jacques, who blew up Juukan Gorge, destroyed the company’s world-leading reputation for social performance, left the iron ore division in costly decline, and Oyu Tolgoi in scandal and delay?

Jacques’ trove of long-term performance shares worth $43 million (at the current share price and subject to vesting hurdles) will take some beating, though Davies’ American lawyers will shoot for heaven.
