Erdogan outlet posts pictures of captured 'Mossad spies'

Days after Turkish media outlets reported that 15 individuals suspected of spying for Israel had been arrested as part of a massive operation by local authorities, the regime's mouthpiece, Daily Sabah, published images of the alleged operatives.

One member was quoted in the paper as saying he had "received thousands of euros for the files and met with a Mossad case officer in Switzerland."

The newspaper reported that the operative owned a company that "provided consultancy to students coming from abroad to Istanbul," which supposedly piqued the Mossad's interests and led the Israeli agency to contact him in December 2018 through an agent called AZ, who was allegedly based in Germany.

"The agent aimed thereby to learn how Palestinian students entered universities in Turkey and what kind of opportunities the Turkish government and municipalities provided them with," reports Daily Sabah. After the first week of the operative's assistance, he alleges to have received hundreds of euros through Western Union from the supposed Mossad official.

This was the first of many parcels of money he was to receive, according to the Turkish news article, as the operative would reportedly continue to assist the Mossad in various ways, agreeing to "work on a separate file on Palestinian nongovernmental organizations in Turkey" and eventually flying to Switzerland to meet with them on the person and learn how to encrypt Word files.

The operative is reported to have received close to $10,000 over his three years of service.
