Apple Used Unfair Tactics in 5G Patent Dispute, Ericsson Alleges in Lawsuit

Ericsson has filed a lawsuit against Apple, alleging the tech giant engaged in unfair tactics in negotiations over licenses for essential 5G technology patents.

The Swedish leader in telecommunications infrastructure said Apple has publicly accused the company of violating mandatory practices for licensing essential technologies. Ericsson refuted that claim in a complaint filed Monday in a Texas federal court. The company asked a judge to rule that it has followed the practices, which it says will settle the dispute between the two companies.

“Apple’s allegations of breach threaten Ericsson’s reputation and business,” the lawsuit said. Apple didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Ericsson owns tens of thousands of patents for foundational technologies related to 4G and 5G telecommunications. Many of these patents are considered essential to international telecom standards.

As part of its collaboration with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, or ETSI—an industry standard-setting body—to ensure devices are interoperable, Ericsson must license its patents on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory, or FRAND, terms.

Ericsson is currently locked in negotiations with Apple over licenses, with the two companies at odds over certain issues, including how much Apple should pay for the licenses.

“Apple has historically resisted licensing overtures by Ericsson, and other essential patent holders, as part of a global strategy to devalue standard essential patents and reduce Apple’s royalty payments,” Ericsson said in the court filing.


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