Who is Australian billionaire Lex Greensill?

A fleet of private jets, unparalleled access to the corridors of power, an honour bestowed by royalty, and stratospheric wealth — Australian Lex Greensill was every inch the corporate titan.

With a company valued in the billions of dollars, Mr Greensill mixed with the rich and powerful on a grand scale, even calling one of the world's richest men his mentor, and a former British prime minister his employee.

It was a lifestyle that a boy from Bundaberg could normally only dream of living.

Yet many Australians had never heard of Lex Greensill until the company he founded came crashing down, sparking one of the biggest international financial scandals since the global financial crisis.

The collapse of his firm, Greensill Capital, has become a scandal in the United Kingdom, where it has prompted multiple parliamentary inquiries and fraud investigations.

Its downfall is threatening the business empire of another billionaire, steel baron Sanjeev Gupta — putting tens of thousands of jobs at risk across the globe, including in Australia.

Four Corners has investigated how companies owned by Mr Greensill and Mr Gupta, both politically connected men of soaring ambition, used financial dark arts to conjure extraordinary amounts of money, seemingly out of nothing.

Forensic accountant Stephen Clapham said there were red flags early on, but people wanted to believe the hype.

"He's been a brilliant salesman, and he's had an incredible ambition. I think we'll find that he sailed too close to the sun," he said.

Now 44, Lex Greensill grew up on a modest family farm in the central Queensland town of Bundaberg, renowned for sugar cane and Bundy rum.

His parents grew cane and melons on about 80 hectares and — the way Mr Greensill tells it — the family lived hand-to-mouth as his parents waited, often for months, to get paid for their produce.

"Where did the inspiration for Greensill Capital come from? In fact, it came from the adversity that my parents, our family, endured being farmers in country Queensland," Mr Greensill would later say.

"Greensill was always designed to fix that problem, to make finance fairer."

Although his signature outfit is a navy blue suit with matching tie, he reckons he only dressed in the corporate garb under sufferance.

"I'm actually a farmer," Mr Greensill boasted after finance made him a fortune, claiming he was never more at home than behind the wheel of a tractor.

But not everyone buys the folksy story.

For people who knew Lex Greensill growing up, such talk prompts wry amusement. They say he was about the only young man in town who chose to wear a suit.

"I think he's lucky to know one end of a tractor from another. As far as I'm aware he had little to do with the family farm growing up and was more interested in the books," according to neighbouring farmer Russell Mortimer.

But there is one thing the Bundy locals agree on: Mr Greensill was always destined for life beyond the farm, and wider horizons than Bundaberg.

After graduating from Queensland University of Technology, Mr Greensill worked briefly as a lawyer and tech entrepreneur before moving to the United Kingdom and getting an MBA.

While at investment bank Morgan Stanley, Mr Greensill made a friend who would catapult his career: Jeremy Heywood, a doyen of the British civil service and one of its most senior officials, who was on secondment to the bank.

"Lex Greensill managed to persuade Jeremy Heywood, one of the very top-most senior civil servants in this country, that he was a kind of miracle child with this miracle product," says Susan Hawley, executive director of UK research organisation Spotlight on Corruption.

Jeremy Heywood was appointed as cabinet secretary, the highest civil service position in the UK, in early 2012.

Almost immediately, Heywood made Mr Greensill an adviser to conservative then-prime minister David Cameron, handing him an office in the prime minister's official residence, the heart of British political power.

"I think my only claim to fame is being the only boy from Bundaberg ever to have an office at number 10 Downing Street here in London," Mr Greensill would later say.

Ms Hawley is scathing about the arrangement.

"I mean, generally big banks in the UK have a lot of access to government — regular meetings — but no-one has an office in the prime minister's ministry," she told Four Corners.

"No-one has a [business] card saying that they're the prime minister's special adviser. This is an absolutely unparalleled level of access."

While Prime Minister, Mr Cameron adopted a plan from Lex Greensill to help small businesses get credit.

It was a version of what's known as supply chain finance — the core business of his newly launched firm, Greensill Capital.

In 2014, the fledgling start-up bought a defunct German bank that had gone under during the global financial meltdown and promptly renamed it Greensill Bank.

It then used that bank to buy the first of what would become a fleet of private aircraft.

Despite the lavish spending, Greensill Capital appeared to be struggling.

In 2016, it posted a loss of more than $62 million and its liabilities exceeded assets by about $95 million.

But its fortunes were about to change, thanks in large part to a relationship Lex Greensill forged with another young entrepreneur — the budding metals magnate Sanjeev Gupta.

The Gupta Family Group, or GFG Alliance, needed finance. Greensill Capital needed business. They came together like hand and glove.

Greensill Capital raised billions of dollars in loans and credit for GFG Alliance as it bought steel mills, aluminium smelters, and other assets across the world, forging a sprawling empire that eventually employed 35,000 people.

The fees and the sheer volume of business transformed Greensill Capital from a start-up into an established business that attracted a bevy of blue-chip clients, including Airbus, Ford, Vodafone, and Telstra.

As their fortunes rose in tandem, both men were feted by the English establishment.

After rescuing a series of steel mills from the north of England to the United States and Whyalla in South Australia, Sanjeev Gupta was hailed as a business genius — "the saviour of steel".

Lex Greensill also received accolades. In 2017, Prince Charles bestowed on him the title Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to the economy.

In 2018, Mr Greensill's relationship with David Cameron came full circle.

The former Conservative leader joined Greensill Capital as an employee — hired for his contacts and influence and handsomely rewarded with a salary he would later confess was far more than he earned as Britain's prime minister.

Befitting his status, the boy from Bundaberg now resided in a stately country manor in an English village, and his finance firm now had a fleet of aircraft – so many that some jokingly speculated that it might start an airline.

Greensill Capital's opulent spending on such corporate toys caught the attention of seasoned financial observers.

But this did not deter one of the globe's uber-rich from pouring money into Greensill Capital.

Japan's richest man, Masayoshi Son, tipped $US1.5 billion ($2 billion) into Greensill Capital, and Lex Greensill declared him his mentor.

Being the protégé of one of the world's biggest investors was just the publicity Mr Greensill needed as he prepared his finance firm for a planned listing on the share market.

Yet even at this high point, cracks were emerging.

In 2019, the British banking regulator quietly began probing a bank owned by Mr Gupta.

The watchdog discovered that money that was supposedly being lent to independent businesses was actually going to companies that were connected to GFG Alliance; it called in the UK National Crime Agency, which began overt and covert investigations.

The bank has since agreed to hand back deposits and is being wound down.

The British banking watchdog also notified its counterpart in Germany and, in early 2020, the German finance regulator began investigating Greensill Bank.

It found massive lending exposure to one client — the Gupta Family Group Alliance.

Even more seriously, the German regulator, BaFin, was concerned that some of the supposed trading, against which the bank had lent money to GFC companies, was not genuine.

Greensill Bank and Greensill Capital were lending money to GFG Alliance companies against what's known as "receivables", which means money owed to a business.

They were also lending against what they called "future receivables", or "predicted" future sales.

Normal supply chain finance is pretty safe, short-term lending.

But the allegation is that with Gupta's GFG Alliance and others, Greensill Capital started giving supply chain finance on the basis of possible sales that might never happen, to potential future customers who might never exist.

Lex Greensill denies this.

He declined an interview, but in a statement to Four Corners his spokesman said Greensill Capital issued credit "based on future forecast trade with current customers."

Although the practice isn't unlawful, it's baffled some observers.

"I am completely flummoxed that somebody can make money out of guessing what business will be done between companies in the future, and lending on the basis of it," British Labor MP Siobaihn McDonagh told Four Corners.

Greensill Bank has now been shut down and BaFin has recommended prosecutors consider laying criminal charges against the bank for balance sheet manipulation.

Worried about its exposure, Greensill Capital's main insurer pulled the plug.

In March this year, at a frantic late-night court hearing in Sydney just hours before its coverage was due to expire, Greensill Capital tried to convince a judge to grant an injunction forcing the insurer not to withdraw.

The judge declined.

That was the end of the show for Greensill Capital.


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