President of Vale is called to testify to the police about the Simandou case

The president of Vale , Eduardo Bartolomeo, was called to provide clarifications by the police to repress organized criminal actions in Rio de Janeiro regarding the purchase of iron mines in Simandou, Guinea. The executive was

The CEO of Vale, Eduardo Bartolomeo summoned, in May, to appear at the police station the following month, in June. But, according to Vale informed Radar Econômico , he asked to be heard only in August " due to public health issues and because the police station does not conduct virtual testimonies."

The case has already been dismissed by Vale, but Israeli tycoon Beny Steinmetz, who owned the Guinea mines, has been provoking the investigations in Brazil. Steinmetz lost an arbitration process, in London, in which Vale claimed to be a victim for not knowing about the corruption lawsuits that Steinmetz was involved. When Valewent to execute the sentence, worth about 2 billion dollars, in a court in New York, the Israeli businessman began a counteroffensive to try to prove that Vale not only knew about everything that was happening in Guinea, but the Brazilian company would have tried alternatives that are not transparent, without informing shareholders.

Vale often says that Steinmetz is only trying to evade the payment defined by an unappealable process.

But an investigation in Brazil could prove that Vale knew about the wrongdoings and would not have beentransparent with its shareholders. Bartolomeo would be a key player because he is one of the executives who waspresent in the negotiations to buy the mines and is still at Vale. Draco investigates the case at the request of the Public Ministry of Rio.

*In the photo below, Bartolomeo appears at a table in a meeting room at Vale's former headquarters, in Rio, next to the then president of Vale, Roger Agnelli, and according to sources, precisely on the day Vale signed a contract with BSGR for the purchase of the Simandou mines.

Across the table, Steinmetz is seated between two executives from the BSGR company. On the left side are Fábio Barbosa, José Carlos Martins (hidden by Roger) and Eduardo Ledsham.

Agnelli and Barbosa are already deceased. Ledsham and Martins are no longer executives at Vale.


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