John McAfee referenced Jeffrey Epstein in suicide tweet last year

Software tycoon John McAfee, who died from an apparent suicide in a Spanish jail cell Wednesday, sent a cryptic tweet last year that if he was found hanged behind bars like Jeffrey Epstein, “it would be no fault of mine.”

“I am content in here. I have friends,” the eccentric entrepreneur tweeted on Oct. 15. “The food is good. All is well.”

“Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine.”

McAfee, 75, was found hanging in his Barcelona cell Wednesday, just hours after a Spanish court ruled that he would be extradited to the US to face federal tax evasion charges.

Officials said they ruled out foul play in his death, according to El Pais newspaper.

His Oct. 15 tweet referenced millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who hanged himself in his New York jail cell in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

But the October tweet was part of a long string of posts on Twitter by McAfee since he was jailed in Spain that month — many of them making light of his situation.

In his most recent post, McAfee retweeted a Father’s Day greeting from his wife.

“Happy Father’s Day @officialmcafee,” Janice McAfee wrote. “Though you are spending the day in prison know that you are loved and appreciated.”

Most of the tech giant’s posts, however, were about prison life.

“Prison is no worse then (sic) living in your mother-in-law’s house,” he wrote on Oct. 23. “With an overbearing spouse and ten children.”

“Prison rule #3,” he tweeted a week later. “Never snitch to the guards for any offense.”

“I have been move again to an even more undesirable cell block and my new friend said: ‘if someone steals from you stab them when they’re not looking. Not my style.”

In a post in January, he bemoaned his circumstances and questioned the severity of his treatment.

“I’ve been three months in a Spanish prison,” McAfee said.

“If I could choose a place to be, prison would not top my list,” he said. “If lawmakers were required to spend a single day in prison before being allowed to make laws penalties for nonviolent crimes would be drastically less severe.”

McAfee was named in a 10-count federal indictment in Tennessee in October and charged with evading millions of dollars in income taxes. He was arrested by Spanish authorities that month and jailed pending a decision on his extradition.


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