Google diversity head said Jews have ‘insatiable appetite for war, killing’

Google’s head of diversity strategy has come under fire after the emergence of a 2007 blog post in which he said Jews have an “insatiable appetite for war and killing.”

The post, titled “If I Were A Jew,” was highlighted in an article Tuesday by the Washington Free Beacon, a US conservative news site.

“If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself,” Kamau Bobb wrote in the post. “Self-defense is undoubtedly an instinct, but I would be afraid of my increasing insensitivity to the suffering others.”

Bobb, whose website says he is Google’s global lead for diversity strategy and research, also said “my greatest torment would be that I’ve misinterpreted the identity offered by my history and transposed spiritual and human compassion with self-righteous impunity.”

Reflecting on the Holocaust, he added: “Suffering and oppression typically give rise to sympathy and compassion among the oppressed… I would conclude that my Jewish faith and the history of my people render me closer to human compassion; closer to the instinct to offer healing to hurt, patience to anxiety and understanding to confusion.”

“I don’t know how I would reconcile that identity with the behavior of fundamentalist Jewish extremists or of Israel as a nation,” Bobb said.

There was no comment from Bobb or Google.

Following the article on the post, the head of the pro-Israel group Stand With Us asked Google if the Silicon Valley-based tech giant googled Bobb before hiring him.

“All of this begs the question whether (1) Google did due diligence when selecting [Bobb] for the sensitive position of global Google DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) director and (2) whether he should remain in these positions,” said Michael Dickson.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center called on Google to “fire this antisemite.”
