German parliament rejects bill on arms embargo on Turkey

Germany has rejected a bill submitted by the Left and Green parties to the country’s parliament on the imposition of an arms embargo on Turkey.

Report informs, citing TRT Haber, that the bill was included in the agenda on the night of June 11.

The motion, titled “No weapons to Turkey,” drafted by LINKE, was declined by the deputies of the parties that form the coalition government, namely the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Christian Social Union (CSU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) as well as the Free Democratic Party (FDP), while deputies from GRÜNE and the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) abstained, the report said.

The other motion, titled “Cancel the permits to sell submarines to Turkey,” drafted by GRÜNE, was likewise rejected by the votes of CDU/CSU, SPD and FDP deputies against the votes in favor of GRÜNE and LINKE and abstentions by AfD deputies.

Christian Democrat MP Klaus-Peter Willsch described the bill and its discussion as a ”. He recalled the statement of the Green Party co-chair Robert Habeck’s statement on the transfer of weapons and ammunition to non-NATO Ukraine, emphasising that the project presented about Turkey, a member of the alliance, is far from sincere.

Germany’s submarine and related equipment exports to Turkey between 2002 and October 2020 amounted to 128.8 million euros, the motion noted, adding that Germany thus approved the sale of equipment that was likely to be used in Libya and operations related to Greece and Cyprus, according to the report.

GRÜNE’s motion aimed to impose an arms embargo on Turkey although it targeted the German government’s remarks that only equipment used by naval forces has been sold to Turkey in recent years.

It was justified by developments in Turkey as well as events related to Turkey in recent years. GRÜNE deputy Katja Keul, who authored the motion, listed human rights violations, Turkey’s frequent violations of international law with its foreign policy, such as its incursion into northern Syria and involvement in the war in Libya, and threats to European Union members Greece and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean as the reasons for the motion.

“The sale of warships and submarines undermines both our security and the interests of our EU partners, and no one can assume the responsibility of such a danger from a security policy perspective,” Keul said.


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