Did UK cops blow off Epstein-Maxwell sex allegations because of pal Prince Andrew?

Cops in Florida and New York weren’t quick on the draw when it came to investigating billionaire sex predator Jeffrey Epstein.

Too much money. Too many influential friends.

Now, a new report suggests that cops in the UK gave the notorious hedge fund manager a skate — because of his friendship with Prince Andrew.

A Channel 4 News investigation discovered more than half a dozen claims that young women and girls were allegedly targeted, trafficked, groomed, or sexually abused in the UK by Jeffrey Epstein and his second banana, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.

The probe claims the abuse carried on for more than a decade.

But while no one should be surprised by Epstein’s twisted machinations, a bigger question is why the Metropolitan Police chose not to investigate the allegations despite their serious nature.

Did buddy boy Prince Andrew’s friendship with the pair?

Legal experts told Channel 4 News there was more than enough in the allegations to launch a full criminal inquiry.

“From what I’ve seen, there is clearly enough evidence for the police to investigate more thoroughly than they have done up to now,” former Crown Prosecutor Nazir Afzal told Channel 4.

Afzal was the prosecutor who led the charge against sex grooming gangs in the UK.

“It’s concerning, because we’ve got potentially victims here. And maybe other victims or alleged victims, who may if an investigation follows its course, be identified.”

The Met Police have promised to “review” the information.

But were Epstein and Maxwell treated differently because they were rich and were connected to Andrew.

“The perception here is a different approach was taken in relation to these alleged offences, then there would be than if it was some brown guy in Rochdale, or some sex offender in London who didn’t have any standing at all,” Afzal said.

Channel 4 News identified potential witnesses through a “Black Book” that listed drivers, pilots and masseuses in the UK.

None of those contacted by Channel 4 had been contacted by the cops.

But what a time Epstein and Maxwell allegedly had. They flew on his “Lolita Express” to the UK at least 5 times and visited Balmoral, Windsor and Sandringham royal homes.

One alleged UK victim even went with her legal team to detectives where they were summarily blown off.

“The MPS always takes allegations of sexual offences and exploitation seriously,” a statement to Channel 4 read. “All officers no matter what their role are duty bound to uphold the law and conduct themselves with integrity.”

In the end, British cops stood behind the decision not to investigate because the majority of the alleged crimes happened elsewhere.


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