Traditional owners ask federal politicians for help to protect McArthur River Mine sacred sites

Aboriginal traditional owners have made a plea to federal MPs and senators investigating the destruction of the Juukan Gorge caves in WA, asking for their help to protect sacred sites in the NT.

Their concerns relate to sacred and archaeologically significant sites on and around the McArthur River Mine.

Senators and MPs on the federal Standing Committee on Northern Australia travelled to the remote Gulf of Carpentaria town of Borroloola to take evidence from more than 100 traditional owners.

Many told the committee they were concerned mining giant Glencore had asked the Northern Territory Heritage Minister for permission to cause impacts to their ancient sites on and around the McArthur River Mine, which it operates through a subsidiary.

Traditional owner Casey Davey told the ABC he hoped to hear good answers from the committee members.

"It's really hurting us here, same as the mob in Western Australia," he said.

The NT government is currently considering Glencore's request to expand its massive waste rock dump on the mine up to the level of a barramundi dreaming sacred site, and to remove stone tools from an Aboriginal quarry and then build part of the dump on the artefact site.

Labor MP Warren Snowdon, who chaired the committee in Borroloola, told the ABC the decision to hold the hearing in private was made so people could speak freely.

"That was to give people the freedom to be able to express themselves and talk about things in a way that they felt comfortable talking," he said.

"At some future point, if they want to give evidence under parliamentary privilege and put it on Hansard, we would accommodate that."

He said although the federal committee had no legal power to influence the decisions of the NT and other state and territory governments over sacred sites, the spotlight the inquiry was putting on problems would halt some contested decisions for now.

"What we've seen in Western Australia will give everyone pause to think, because we've seen the issues in Kakadu and the cases around here, the Aboriginal site protection authority in the Northern Territory need to be listened to."

Community leaders give evidence

The evidence was heard in a tin shed on the edge of Borroloola in the baking early dry season heat.

Garawa elder Jack Green, who is a Borroloola Aboriginal leader, said his written submission to the committee contained pictures of some of his many paintings, which accuse Glencore of dividing traditional owners over what should happen to sacred sites on the mine.

"Because I can't read or write, this is the only way I can get them to see what I'm worried about.

"They [Glencore] just pick up certain people that's going to agree with them, and under our law, Aboriginal law, you can't do that.

"We're all in this together, the four clan groups here, and the families who are connected to that land."

After the meeting, Mr Green said it appeared the committee listened intently to the traditional owners' concerns.

"I think they're probably going to stand up pretty strong for us" he said.

His wife Josephine Davey is a Gudanji traditional owner.

She said she has already been hurt because the mine was built on a rainbow serpent dreaming site.

"I just hope they listened to us, to the problem we've got here," she said.

"I want the mine to clean up the damage that they done and to look after our sacred sites, protect them."

Committee will visit mine site

Glencore has asked for permission to build the waste rock dump to 140 metres high beside the barramundi dreaming, and destroy the stone tool quarry, based on an agreement it made with six mine site custodians in 2017.

The agreement, viewed by the ABC, promises each custodian an $85,000 car and $400 food and $400 fuel vouchers every month, for custodians to share with their family groups, for the duration of mining.

After the waste rock dump expansion is approved the agreement promises $250,000 for each custodian to spend on their homes.

In response to questions about the custodian agreement, Glencore gave the ABC a statement, which said it viewed the protection of sacred and cultural sites as critical and it looked forward to welcoming the parliamentary committee.

"The committee will view a number of sacred and cultural heritage sites on our mining lease, accompanied by traditional owners," a spokesperson said.

"Protection of sacred and cultural heritage sites at the mine is of critical importance and we welcome the opportunity to show the mine site to committee members."

The NT government's Aboriginal Area Protection Authority has rejected Glencore's custodian agreement as invalid because not all traditional owners were consulted.

The NT government last year gave Glencore permission to keep expanding the dump, subject to a decision on the future of the sacred sites.

The NT Heritage Minister is still considering Glencore's request to overrule the AAPA's sacred sites certificate refusal.

Traditional owner worried over what will happen once mining ends

Traditional owners including Mr Davey are worried Glencore plans to leave half a billion tonnes of waste rock on the bank of the McArthur River forever, once mining stops in 2037.

"Hopefully, they don't just walk away and leave everything up to us to try and clean up their messes," Mr Davey said.

The reactive waste rock contains material which burns when in contact with air or rain. The mine's government-appointed independent monitor has reported over many years that it is causing acid mine drainage from the dump and from the mine's tailings dam.

Environmental hydrology engineer Philippa Higgins from the University of New South Wales Global Water Institute travelled to Borroloola to give traditional owners information about the threats to the water-dependent sacred sites — two waterholes and two sacred trees — identified by the mine's independent monitor, before the paliamentary committee hearing.

"We have seen some information from the independent monitor reports that they are expecting drawdown of the groundwater from the Djirrinmini waterhole, but we don't have any baseline data to say what the magnitude of that impact is," she said.

"What's even more concerning is that these other three sacred sites that we know rely on groundwater have not been addressed at all in any of the mine reporting or independent monitor reports.

"There is no way for us to know what their status is."
