Orthodox Jewish woman Chava Herman Sharabani, reveals a decade of struggle to divorce her husband

Orthodox Jewish woman New York City After revealing that she has been trying to divorce for over a decade, her husband has gained widespread support for refusing to allow her to divorce under Jewish law.

Chava Herman Sharabani left her ex-husband Naftali Sharabani more than a decade ago, but was unable to convince her to give her a “get” document to end her marriage under Jewish law. Remarriage.

Chava hasn’t been successful in getting it yet, but a 30-year-old teacher and two mothers are gaining tremendous support and awareness online, with more women, including 17 women, owning. I am going to announce a story. With the help of the #FreeChava movement, I was finally able to get out of my marriage.

Chava Herman Sharabani and Naftali Sharabani married in 2006 and had two children, but Chava says he was “abuse” and left in 2010.

Their civil divorce was withdrawn in a New York court until 2017, as Naphtali (pictured) threatened to

Their civil divorce was withdrawn in a New York court until 2017, as Naphtali (pictured) threatened to “take the children away from her” and “put her in a spiritual home.”

They are currently divorced under US law, but Naphtali refuses to give Chaba a “get”, which ends the rabbi court marriage.

Chaba married Naphtali in 2006. They had two daughters, but that wasn’t a happy arrangement.

“The marriage wasn’t good, to say the least,” she discussed her plight in an Instagram video. “I was constantly dealing with my abusive husband.”

In 2010, four years after her marriage, Chaba cleared up her children and moved with her parents.

“When I went to the lawyer, they said,” Okay, this seems like a simpler case. This should be over soon. We just need to understand the visit. ” I did.

They will eventually get a civil divorce, but in order for it to be completed under Jewish law, it must pass through a “Beth Dean” or a labinical court. Both the wife and husband participate in this process, but it is the husband who reaches out to the wife, who frees her from marriage.

After the marriage is officially resolved, the woman must wait at least 92 days to remarriage.

But if the husband refuses to give his wife a get, she is stuck. She cannot date or remarry and has no way to move forward without his consent. In the community, the woman in that position is called “Agunya”. This is the Hebrew word for a woman who is “chained” or married.

“I have so much pain, so much suffering. It’s been so long,” Chaba said. “I want to end this. End this misery … my children are also suffering.”

Chaba says Naphtali suddenly cut off contact with his two children and fled to Los Angeles, leaving him in Brooklyn.

That was, after all, the case of Chaba still fighting for her freedom.


‘[He] “I will never get you, I will take the children away from you, I will put you in a mental hospital,” he said. I didn’t realize how serious he was at the time. ”

She and Naphtali passed a court in New York, and Naphtali sought full custody of her children, portraying Chaba as an ineligible mother. However, New York courts did not see it that way, depriving Naphtali of some of his visitation rights and giving Chaba custody.

Finally, in 2017, Naphtali was ordered to pay child support, resulting in a civil divorce — including all the years he missed.

Chaba’s lawyer told him that he could get out of the backpayment hook as long as he allowed Chaba to get.

He still refused. And with Chaba and the children still in Brooklyn, he moved across the country to Los Angeles, telling him not to contact Chaba and blocking all communication with the children.

But while we lived in Los Angeles, she was still chained to marriage and couldn’t raise a child and remarry.

Earlier this year, Chava's story was featured on social media after being shared by Jewish singer Dalia Oziel, who has more than 35,000 Instagram followers.

Earlier this year, Chava’s story was featured on social media after being shared by Jewish singer Dalia Oziel, who has more than 35,000 Instagram followers.

Dahlia launched the hashtag #FreeChava and launched an Instagram page called GetBusters to campaign women in similar positions.

“Here I chased people for ten and a half years and asked,’Can you help me? Is there anything I can do?'” And they always say, “I don’t know. Call me within a week.” I just hit my head against the wall, “she said. trend..

“I have so much pain, so much suffering. It’s been so long,” Chaba said. “I want to end this. End this misery … my children are also suffering.”

Later, Chaba met the Jewish singer Dalia Ozir, who has more than 35,000 Instagram followers. Dahlia shared the story of another Jewish woman, Rifka Meyer. Rifka Meyer has been waiting for her husband to give her a get for almost 10 years.

Inspired, Chaba reached out to Dalia and asked for help spreading her story. She even provided a photo of her ex-husband and the line “Get Refusal Is Abuse” on the leaflet.

Dalia continues to share Chaba’s story and post her followers. She also launched the hashtag #FreeChava and launched an Instagram page called GetBusters to campaign for women in similar positions.

The movement continues to grow. On February 25, the woman wore pink in solidarity with Chava. There were several rallies for Chaba and other women in a similar situation in New York and New Jersey.

More orthodox Jewish women are involved in marriage and come forward to share their stories, pointing out the bigger problems of the community

More orthodox Jewish women are involved in marriage and come forward to share their stories, pointing out the bigger problems of the community

“I am very grateful for the amount of love we received, the support,” Chaba said.

And many of the Orthodox Jewish women involved in their marriages have come forward to share their stories, pointing out the bigger problems in the community.

“I don’t know the number of daily calls from women, people who have been suffering for years, but they didn’t even know they could say anything,” said a defender of the Jewish court system. Yael Braun told Vogue. “They had no voice, and Chaba really broke it. She broke the stigma of what Agunah was.

Their story attracted more activists fighting for refusal and trying to put pressure on the rabbi to prevent this from happening.

For at least some, the rise in pressure seems to have had consequences. In his first viral post on Chaba in late February, Brown said 17 women had a previously withheld get. One was trapped for 18 years.

But Chaba is still waiting for Naphtali to allow her to release her.

“I am very grateful for the amount of love we have received, the support we have received,” Chaba said. “My dream for other Agunahs is that they are protected and not used as leverage.”
