Black Cube was paid ‘a large sum of money’ to unduly discredit judge, court rules

Black Cube, a secret Israeli investigative firm, sought to embarrass a judge who rendered an adverse ruling against a client of a financial firm for fees of up to $ 11 million, according to a court ruling from the ‘Ontario.

The client, Toronto-based private equity firm Catalyst Capital Group Inc., agreed to pay the costs to Black Cube, which dispatched agents to discredit a Canadian judge and a rival firm in an effort codenamed “Project Maple Tree ”. .

The decision, rendered by Justice Cary Boswell of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, provided rare insight into the operation and fee arrangements of Black Cube. The private investigative firm, often referred to in the media as a “private Mossad,” aided corporate clients by secretly obtaining damaging information about competitors or legal opponents, with mixed success. The Mossad is an Israeli intelligence agency.

The ruling is the latest development in a long-standing dispute between Catalyst and its competitor West Face Capital Inc. West Face, which was the target of the Black Cube investigation, has sought a court order requiring Catalyst to produce related documents. to inquiry.

A Toronto lawyer for Black Cube declined to comment on the decision or discuss details of his contract with Catalyst or other clients. Black Cube said that it “has only engaged in legal activities” and that its methods are backed by legal experts to ensure that it is following the laws in each jurisdiction in which it operates.
