Acer Hit With $50 Million Ransomware Attack; Hackers Get Access to Financials, Bank Information

Taiwanese computer make Acer has been subjected to a major ransomware attack, where the hacker group has demanded $50 million in ransom from the PC maker, a report in Bleeping Computer said. This, according to reports, is the biggest ransomware demands till date.

According to the Bleeping Computer report, the attackers may have gained access to the Acer’s network via a Microsoft vulnerability. 

The REvil hacker group is believed to be behind the Acer breach. The same hacker group carried out a ransomware attack on Travelex last year. According to Bleeping Computer, the hacker group has given Acer until March 28 to pay the ransom or it will leak the data it claims to have collected.

Acer has not yet acknowledged whether it has been the victim to a ransomware attack, but a spokesperson told The Verge in an email that the company “routinely monitors its IT systems and more cyberattacks are well defensed. “Companies like us are are constantly under attack, and we have reported recent abnormal situations observed to the relevant law enforcement and data protection authorities in multiple countries,” the company was quoted by The Verge as saying.

The spokesperson also told the website that no further information could be provided at this time due to the ongoing investigation. The data accessed by the hackers, according to the Bleeping Computer report includes financial spreadsheets, bank balances, and bank communications.


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