Harvey Weinstein ‘Fixer’ Boies Gave Thousands To Warnock in GA Senate Showdown

Raphael Warnock has raised a stunning $125 million in his campaign to unseat Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler.

Among his contributors is super lawyer David Boies, best known recently as convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein’s “fixer.” Boies hired a Mossad-linked private intelligence company called Black Cube to quash stories about Weinstein’s assaults and to harass journalists who were trying to report on them.

Boies contributed almost $6,000 to the Georgia Federal Elections Committee, which is focused on flipping the two Georgia U.S. Senate seats now held by Loeffler and David Perdue.

Jonathan Schiller, Boies’ partner in the law firm Boies Schiller & Flexner, also contributed $10,000 to the Ossoff-Warnock Victory Fund.

The contributions came just days after Warnock, a pastor, had to defend himself after police bodycam footage showing his then-wife telling police he purposefully ran over her foot with his car. Police took Warnock’s side, accepting his claims he’d done no such thing.

“He’s a great actor,” Ouleye Ndoye told police. “He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.”

Boies first rose to fame 20 years ago when he represented Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore before the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore.

Soon after, he was introduced to Weinstein through Talk magazine, which Weinstein and his brother Bob were funding. The magazine and its new book publishing arm wanted Boies to write for them. Before long, Boies was Weinstein’s go-to lawyer and top confidant.

Weinstein, a source told New York magazine in 2018, used the name “David Boies” like a weapon, threatening that if people didn’t do what he wanted, he’d sic David Boies on them.

It may have seemed strange to anyone who has observed David Boies, known for his cool and calm demeanor.

But reporting on the Weinstein saga has revealed that Boies was key in providing the legal protection that allowed the Hollywood mogul to continue abusing women — abuse that took the form of tricks, lies, bribes and threats to force himself on actresses and aspiring actresses and force them to keep quiet about it.

Boies, the New York magazine article mentions, claimed he was “shocked” by stories that revealed Weinstein’s assaults when in fact he was working behind the scenes for pay to quash the stories about them.

A professor of legal ethics at Stanford University told the magazine that Boies’ behavior “was part of a culture of complicity” that allowed Weinstein to continue doing what he was doing and face no consequences for it.

Perhaps most disturbing is Boies’ role in hiring the firm Black Cube, which is based in Israel and employs several former members of the Israeli military.

On December 8, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California gave actress Rose McGowan the go-ahead to proceed with her suit against Weinstein, Boies, Black Cube and attorney Lisa Bloom for their “diabolical actions” aimed at preventing her from revealing that Weinstein raped her.

Those actions included Black Cube’s use of a former Israeli military officer who tricked McGowan into a friendship, telling her she was a British philanthropist named “Anna” interested in McGowan’s sexual assault story. In reality, her job was to report back to Weinstein what McGowan was writing in her book.

The fraud extended to personal meetings in a coffee shop where “Anna” — in reality, Israeli citizen Stella Penn Pechanac — downloaded sections of the book that McGowan was writing onto a device while McGowan was in the bathroom.

In McGowan’s suit, she describes Boies as the one who hired “fixers” to stop her story from making it into the public eye.

“For many years, Weinstein used his power in the movie industry to victimize vulnerable women, and Boies helped Weinstein protect his public image by working to kill negative stories and discredit Weinstein’s victims,” the complaint reads. “In 2016, Weinstein learned that McGowan planned to expose him as her rapist in Brave, so he and Boies mobilized a ‘team of fixers’ to foil her plan.”

Boies, according to the suit, entered into two contracts with Black Cube on behalf of Boies, Schiller & Flexner — the first was to identify who was behind the stories about Weinstein’s assaults on women and the second, to put a stop to them.

McGowan’s suit alleges 11 crimes committed by Weinstein, Boies and Bloom, including racketeering, fraud and illegal wiretapping — all perpetrated to stop publication of McGowan’s book, Brave.

Raphael Warnock’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment about the contribution from Boies, or his partner, Jonathan Schiller. Boies and his firm continue to fight McGowan in court.
