Unearthed photos show Ghislaine Maxwell at event to combat sex trafficking

Newly emerged photos show Ghislaine Maxwell at a Manhattan event for a group fighting sex trafficking — years after she was first accused of procuring young girls for convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell is seen in photos obtained by The Sun smiling widely at the 2013 fundraiser for “Stop the Trafficking of People (Stop)” — even posing with the group’s founder, Celhia de Lavarene, according to The Sun.

“She’s got some nerve,” de Lavarene told the UK paper of Maxwell, who is currently in custody for sex trafficking charges.

“But I am not surprised. I’ve come to realize that these people need to appear to be doing good and make people believe it,” de Lavarene said.

It was not clear what role Maxwell played at the event, nor how the organizers were seemingly unaware of her connections to Epstein, who had already served jail time for sex with underage girls.

Accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre had accused her in court documents as early as 2009, with Maxwell’s name tarnished in New York society — especially after 2011, when explosive newspaper articles tied her to Epstein as well as Prince Andrew.

Maxwell’s charges — which she denies — accuse her of procuring girls for Epstein from the mid-1990s.

At the 2013 Meatpacking store event, Maxwell, then 51, posed next to then-French Ambassador to the US François Delattre who made an impassioned speech at the event, de Lavarene said.

“He asked for money for us to open a rescue center in some countries where girls are forced and sold into prostitution. He told how they were raped and beaten,” she said.

The event was held at the Meatpacking store of French fashion designer Catherine Malandrino, who was also in the photo with Maxwell, the paper said.
