Two Israeli criminals to be extradited from Morocco back to Israel

Two Israeli criminals who escaped from Israel will be extradited from Morocco as part of an agreement signed by police officials in both Rabat and Tel Aviv, Jerusalem Post reports.

Golan Avitan and Chiko (Moshe) Beit Adah will be brought back to Israel through Spain, given that Morocco and Israel do not have diplomatic relations.

These are two dangerous criminals who fled Israel to escape from justice», Israeli police official said. The same source explains that a Moroccan police official «visited Israel for about a week» to organize the extradition.

Avitan's arrest about a year and a half ago was carried out in light of information provided to Moroccan police by Israel Police. Avitan was one of the head criminals in Yitzhak Abergil's criminal organization», the same source reported.

Detained under house arrest with a tracking bracelet, Avitan was able to escape about two years ago, aboard a yacht from Ashkelon to Cyprus, then from there to Spain and Morocco.

He allegedly succeeded in obtaining Moroccan citizenship, after paying thousands of euros to the Israeli document forgery network run by Beit Adah.
