Shakira in tax fraud trouble again following continued investigation

International superstar singer is being charged with tax fraud following the extraordinary investigation that continues to haunt her.

AN investigation has revealed that Shakira has committed tax fraud by failing to disclose that she resided in Spain and could have to repay €14.5 million in taxes.

The investigation arises from differing accounts of her residence between the years of 2011 – 2014.

The singer is still being investigated for six alleged crimes against the Public Treasury, in a continued investigation for alleged fraud.

Shakira has already paid €24 million in 2011 as part of this same investigation.

Having registered under the pseudonym Sila Prieto at the Teknon clinic, where she gave birth to her children, an investigation was launched after the singer claimed that she lived in the Bahamas before later claiming that she was a “nomad without roots.”

In a statement made by the singer, it was revealed, “she already had the debt and “complied at all times, including in the period between 2011 and 2014, with her tax obligations in all those countries in which she had worked (including the US) and she does not owe any amount to the Spanish Treasury.”

Inspector Susana C, in her thorough investigation, went into many aspects of the day-to-day life of Shakira.

The inspector concluded that the singer, “lived in clinics, beauty centres, recording studios, promotional events, clothing and decoration stores.”

Susana C also tracked the hit singers social media accounts, where her fans tagged her in every place they saw her, providing further evidence of the alleged tax fraud.

The inspector also discovered that Shakira’s entire inner circle visited her in Barcelona at some point, including her trusted doctor in Colombia. “If she really lived in the Bahamas, it was much easier for them to visit her at her residence in Nassau,” the report states.

In fact, the investigation showed that the artist did not visit her island at all during this period and despite travelling the world for work, she always concluded trips back at her residence in Barcelona.

During the years being investigated, Shakira spent most of her time in Spain, where the minimum to be considered a tax resident is 184 days, a figure the singer exceeded in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
