Chinese embassy: Evidence shows U.S., Canada abused extradition treaties in Meng Wanzhou's case

The evidence released so far in connection with the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou shows that the United States and Canada abused bilateral extradition treaties, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Canada said on Wednesday, adding that the two Western powers used arbitrarily coercive measures against a Chinese citizen and seriously violated her legitimate rights.

Meng and her lawyers during a telephone hearing on Monday requested the Supreme Court of British Columbia to order the release of more confidential documents related to her arrest at Vancouver airport in 2018.

Although the Canadian government released some relevant documents in accordance with the judge's decision in December 2019, some secretly-kept papers were held back on the grounds of national security.

While reiterating China's stance on the case, the spokesperson urged Canada to seriously view China's solemn position and concerns and release Meng immediately.
