Warning of grave 'consequences' if China's 'unsafe' Huawei is used to roll out UK's 5G

HUAWEI's involvement in the UK's 5G mobile phone network infrastructure is no longer a "safe bet" according to a former National Security Adviser.

Lord Peter Ricketts told Sky News that the British intelligence world knows Huwaei very well and has been checking their gadgets for any sign of bugs for years. He added that American sanctions have changed the position the UK is in regarding Huawei's involvement in the 5G network across Britain.

Lord Ricketts said: "The British intelligence world know Huwaei very well.

"They have been checking their gadgets for years for any sign of bugs for years.

"Now as you say the American sanctions have changed the position and that means that Britain has to accept Huawei is no longer a safe bet to play a part in our 5G network.

"There are consequences for that, it will mean more expenses and a slower rollout of 5G.

"The point for me that I think is worrying is that this is American policy that is dictating what Britain chooses for its own telecoms network.

"I would have been happy with the conclusions of our technical experts.

"It is an American policy that has changed the position."

Sky News' Kay Burley asked: "So it is not a safe bet anymore?"

Lord Ricketts replied "No, it is not and I can see that the technical cases have changed because American sanctions mean it is not a safe bet.

"That is a rather unsatisfactory situation for the UK."

It comes as the Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom sensationally accused British media of "distorting" the truth around a new Hong Kong security law.

Mr Liu said: "On June 30 the standing committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the law of the People’s Republic China on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong.

"This law is an important milestone in the implementation of one country, two systems.

"It is a strong safeguard for the rights and freedom of Hong Kong residents.

"After the law was adopted British media carried massive reports and comments which to be frank are full of misinterpretation, misunderstanding and even distortion.

"So today I want to use this press conference to help the British public understand this law comprehensively, objectively and accurately."
