German ministers grilled over Wirecard

Germany's finance and economy ministers will be grilled by lawmakers on Wednesday about the massive fraud scandal that brought down payments provider Wirecard, amid criticism that authorities failed to act on early warning signs.

Wirecard filed for insolvency last month after admitting that 1.9 billion euros ($2.2 billion) missing from its accounts did not exist.

Former CEO Markus Braun has been arrested on suspicion of falsifying accounts and market manipulation.

The Wirecard revelations have stunned Germany, drawing comparisons with the Enron accounting scandal in the United States almost two decades ago.

Germany's parliamentary finance committee has asked Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and Economy Minister Peter Altmaier to attend a closed door special hearing to shed light on the saga from 1400 GMT.

Questions are likely to focus on when exactly government officials and regulators learned of accounting irregularities at Wirecard, and if there were any regulatory failings.

Both ministers have vowed full transparency in a case that Scholz has called "an unparalleled scandal" and a blow to Germany's finance reputation.

He has vowed to reform German finance watchdog Bafin, accused by critics of having been too lax on Wirecard, by giving it greater powers to intervene and launch investigations.

Bafin is "a toothless tiger" when it comes to overseeing large firms, MP Frank Schaeffler of the pro-business FDP party, and a member of the finance committee, told the Handelsblatt daily.

But Wirecard's downfall has increasingly become a political hot potato as well, after finance ministry documents showed Scholz was told as early as February 2019 of misconduct suspicions.

Even more embarrassing was the revelation that Chancellor Angela Merkel promoted Wirecard on a trip to China in September 2019, when the firm was eyeing a foray into the Chinese market.

Merkel had "no knowledge" of the Wirecard irregularities at that time, her spokeswoman told reporters.


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