Tatiana Akhmedova, fighting to get hands on £450m in Britain's biggest ever divorce

A woman is fighting to get her hands on nearly £450 million she is owed by her Russian billionaire ex-husband in Britain's biggest ever divorce.

Tatiana Akhmedova was awarded a 41.5% share of businessman Farkhad Akhmedov's £1 billion-plus fortune by a British judge in late 2016.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave, who analysed the case at a trial in the Family Division of the High Court in London, said Ms Akhmedova should walk away with £453 million.

But he has heard that she has so far pocketed about £5 million and Mr Akhmedov has not "voluntarily" paid a penny.

Another judge, Mrs Justice Gwynneth Knowles, is due to oversee the latest stage of litigation at a virtual hearing in the Family Division of the High Court on Tuesday.

Ms Akhmedova says Mr Akhmedov has deployed a "strategy of evasion" and tried to put assets, including a £346 million yacht - the MV Luna - and a modern art collection, valued at more than £115 million, beyond her reach.

She has taken action in Britain and abroad and become embroiled in litigation with a number of trusts based in Lichtenstein and with her 26-year-old son Temur, who she says is his father's "lieutenant".

Mr Akhmedov has said that because he and his ex-wife are not British, and were not married in Britain, a British judge should not have made decisions.
