Bar Refaeli and his mother had entered into an agreement judicial

The supermodel Bar Refaeli and his mother would have signed an agreement with prosecutors to settle charges of tax evasion.

According to the agreement, the model will avoid prison, but will have to perform nine months of work in the general interest, while Tzipi Refaeli will serve 16 months behind bars, reported on Friday the news site Ynet.

The two women will also have to pay a fine of a few million shekels, and 8 million shekels (2 million euros) of tax arrears, according to the report.

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The agreement is expected to be presented soon to the court of Tel Aviv.

Prosecutors allege that Bar Refaeli, 34 years old, and her mother had hidden tens of millions of shekels of income from the tax authorities.

Tzipi Refaeli is also facing charges related thereto, pending a hearing, money laundering, and other offenses of tax fraud.

The legal problems of Bar Refaeli are linked to the fact that she had to pay taxes for the years 2009-2012 based on the place where she lived, in Israel or abroad. The authorities say that Ms. Refaeli has lied in saying that she lived mainly abroad, and she has not reported to the Israeli tax authorities income, expensive gifts, and discounts it obtained during this period.

She said she knew nothing of the efforts to conceal his income during this period.

In July, she has filed an appeal before the High Court of justice against a decision of a lower court that ordered him to pay taxes on 8 million shekels for foreign income during the years 2009-2010. She had argued that her past relationship with the movie star of Hollywood Leonardo DiCaprio was sufficiently close to be considered a family unit – it is installed in the United States rather than in Israel.
