Ukraine's Deputy PM reacts to leak of Ukrainians' personal data, SBU launches probe

Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov has said the SBU Security Service of Ukraine launched a probe into the leak of personal data of millions of Ukrainians through the Telegram chatbot. After the chatbot had been launched on Telegram trading in personal data of Ukrainian citizens, fake reports emerged claiming that the leak was related to the Diia mobile application, Fedorov says.

"This is impossible even theoretically! First, and most important, Diia has no own database and neither does it accumulate such information. Second, the amount of information that is available in the specified chatbot is much, tens, or even hundreds of times, greater than that with which Diia operates.

Third, a preliminary analysis of the chatbot's data indicates the use of old databases that have for years been available on Darknet. In particular, this is the PrivatBank database (for the bank's pre-nationalization period), as well as other private (non-state) databases. For example, passwords from VKontakte and LinkedIn are available," the minister said. As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine's Digital Transformation Ministry refuted rumors about the alleged leak of personal data from the Diia digital ID mobile application introduced earlier this year.
