Political Campaign Strategy

Kingsmen International Group Political Campaign Strategy
2016 Presidential campaign cycle has been one for the history books. We’ve seen a 74-year-old Jewish guy from Vermont capture the hearts and minds of young people, while Donald Trump has been tweeting everything that comes into his head. It’s quite possibly one of the most interesting campaigns I’ve witnessed in a long time. And watching it play out on social media has been particularly wild.
The point is well made that political campaign strategy should be 20% devising and 80% implementation. That said, as you set out on your campaign, it is a great time to do a lot of that 20% devising.
Kingsmen International Group Political Campaign Strategy “WIN THE CROWD”
1.           Monitor and understand the internet traffic and election status 
2.           Control Internet search results
3.           Control the Social Media
4.           Control News Papers Cash Access
Kingsmen International Group KEYS to WINNING an ELECTION
New world methods for contesting, campaigning and winning elections.
•            Electoral data is critical and delivers an advantageous edge over competition.
•            Advance proactive planning strategies before, during and after a campaign.
•            Collect Information and correlate actionable Intelligence.
•            Command the media using technology.
*            Build a strong grassroots organization
*            Have the best online presence
*            Ensure a strategy to get your name in front of the voters
Target Actionable Data
Win the Cyber Information War
This information platform enables management of Social and Traditional Media users by using offensive modules to enhance a posting, rendering a posting as “with negative feedback” or destroying a user’s credibility on line. 
This platform attacks all vectors of Social and Traditional media by manipulating and tackling Posts, Tweets, Groups or even comments in newspapers.
Specific large-scale traditional media attacks are mounted by planting news articles within Newspapers, Radio and TV Channels to discredit a defined Target within and outside of National borders.
Command, Control and Monitor Information
Delivery Overview
•            Monitor the internet and social media, present and follow how online activities support the campaign and follow action items.
•            Launch global media campaigns.
•            Ensure inclusion in National Press archives.
•            Proactively manipulate Social Media trends and opinion.
•            Unique additional deliveries as per project requirement.
Global Influence to Manage Public Opinion
Political Campaign Control Action Items
•            Change and manipulate search results in social media and search engines.
•            Add articles in Newspaper and Press release caches globally.
•            Manipulate public opinion.
•            Target media outlets.
•            Improve Public Image
•            Create effective PR by adding press releases within minutes
•            Proactively monitor the Internet and Social Media in real time.
•            Control opposition’s public image and negative media
Global Influence to Manage Public Opinion
Global Perception Campaigns
•            Beam global billboard advertising
•            Plant articles in popular newspapers (Global)
•            Pollute search engines, social media and the Internet
•            Initiate Government Investigations
•            Launch TV Campaigns
Solution Overview
Create International news campaign statements and ensure the spread over the Internet, Social Media and Press.
External publicity and personal management:
•            Align political candidates at International agencies.
•            Initiate financial blockages against individuals and organizations.
•            Ensure that International organizations pass resolutions against political organizations or create evidence to initiate government inquiries.
•            Initiate lobbying against an organization at International forums.
Control Political Campaigns
Phase I: The “Playground”
•            Social Media
•            Create scenario for legal precedence (Pro and Cons)
•            Temporary block of Social Media Services
•            Parallel Enforcement
•            Large Campaign of credibility via Data augmentation
•            Jam Targets
•            Unfriendly News and Information distributors
•            Phone Numbers & email blocking to disable “unfriendly” targets
•            Cyber Strikes
•            Permanently strike Networks and stop operations
•            Negative Campaign against political opponents. 
•            Fake Social Media.
Phase II: Disable Targets
•            Nationwide Data Augmentation Campaign
•            Launch a massive counter offensive to restore credibility
•            Newspaper, NGO and International organizations charter
•            Immediately suppress negative sentiment
•            Local team presence for coordination
•            International Data Campaign
•            Statements in United Nations, Hague and European Parliament
•            Real world actions
•            UN, ICC/ICJ, E.P Resolutions against High Level Enemy Targets
Phase III: Protect and Monitor
•            International Presence
•            Create permanent markers in International NGOs
•            Create assets within AID organizations
•            National Presence
•            Continuous blast of Media Articles in the country
•            Cyber Presence
•            Ensure negative campaigns remain subdued
•            Monitor and immediately disable any “unfriendly activities
Election Campaign in Cyber Warfare
This program enables monitoring of electronic terminal s that are connected to the Internet such as Mobile, Desktop, Servers and Networks. Online attacks will be initiated by several means such as Email, SMS, and WhatsApp messaging and raw hacking attempts.
•            Individuals - individual suspects across the world
•            Servers - Servers owned by any organization will attacked and gain access to obtain data within the networks and individual servers.
•            Networks - Attacking of a Server globally to disable their service. For e.g. any Newspaper site can be brought down immediately and disabled.
Negative campaigning involves criticizing one’s political opponent in order to appeal to voters by lessening the appeal of the opponent.
Positive campaigning, on the other hand, consists of self-praise in an attempt to increase one’s own appeal to voters.
Political campaigns have changed in the past two decades, not only by the means of communication but in the type of messages sent to voters. Commonly, political economy has taken the fact that a campaign is useful to send messages about the policy the candidate would apply if going into office.
Psychology studies give three arguments for the existence of negative campaigning:
(1) It stimulates attention to and awareness of the campaign,
(2) Campaigns may arouse anxiety which stimulates interest, and
(3) Negative campaign might be a sign of a close race, which is directly related with the marginal utility of going to vote in some cases.
People are very aware of negative information; they attend to it more, think about it more, and remember it better, and it is more powerful in shaping our impressions of things.


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