FBI seizes 30 kilos of cocaine

The FBI seized 30 kilograms of cocaine following a traffic stop of a tractor trailer Sunday in Charlton, according to court documents.

Massachusetts State Police troopers arrested Javier Robledo Perez, of Dallas, Texas, after they found about 30 brick-shaped objects wrapped in black plastic in the truck’s cab, court documents said.

Perez was charged with possession with intent to distribute 5 kilograms or more of cocaine.

Two state police troopers pulled over the tractor trailer with Texas registration at the Charlton service plaza on the Massachusetts Turnpike after the truck merged onto the highway from Interstate-84 going 50 mph in a marked 35 mph zone, court documents said. Troopers also witnessed the truck, heading eastbound, dangerously switch lanes forcing other vehicles to brake to avoid a crash.

After stopping, Perez granted the troopers access to search the truck, court documents said. Troopers called the FBI Boston Strike Force after they found the brick-shaped objects in the living quarters of the truck.

When the FBI arrived, they searched the truck again and found a second box that was sealed, court documents said. When opened, FBI agents found additional bricks that were “essentially identical” to the other bricks, court documents said.

Agents performed a field test on two of the bricks, both tested positive for cocaine, court documents said.

In addition to the bricks, agents also found four cell phones behind the driver’s seat.

“In my training and experience, I also am aware that drug traffickers are often aware of law enforcement’s use of electronic surveillance,” FBI special agent Bradley Gullicksrud wrote in the report. “And thus frequently change cellular telephone numbers and/or use multiple cellular phones at the same time, as well as prepaid cellular phones (where the subscriber of the phone is not required to provide personal identifying information), in an effort to thwart law enforcement’s use of electronic surveillance.”

Perez was scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday, according to court documents.
