Corruption not sanctions killing Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has been grappling with corruption for years now, dating back from the Willovale Motor Scandal,  GMB saga where the late former Minister Kumbirayi Kangai was involved.

In 1994 War Victims Compensation Scandal , 1999 Noczim Scandal, 2016 Command Agriculture and 2018 Zesa Scandal involving Samuel Undenge just to mention a few.

Zimbabwe ranks joint 160th out of 180 countries in the 2016 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

From that time the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption was formed not even a single official was arrested and late alone tried. The former President  Robert Mugabe used to talk about corruption but failing to take it head on. Just like as we see it in this new republic today.

Corruption exists in every country and undermines social justice in many.

It diverts public funds meant for development to rich elites, raids resources intended for poverty reduction and distorts the economy, with the biggest impact felt by the poorest people in the society. Zimbabwe has not been spared from this scenario.

According to most economists, the root cause of corruption lies on the delegation of power. It is the discretionary use of that power and the often monopolistic position public officials enjoy when dealing with contacts, which make corruption possible.

The incentives and opportunities for corruption depend on the size of the rents, or the personnel profits, which public agents can derive from allocating those contracts. I have seen these dealings in different institutions, from churches to government organisations.

Corruption therefore occurs at points where political, bureaucratic and economic interests coincide. There is also legislative corruption when politicians betray the electorate by selling their votes to pressure groups and donating of goods and food donated by China or other countries.

Another act of corruption which we had witnessed in the country was the abuse of Zimdef funds meant for skills development which have been diverted by former Minister Jonathan Moyo and the money was used to sponsor Zanu PF rallies. We have also witnessed Zanu PF doling out residential stands and giving food to prospective voters in the country.

People should be wary of such tendencies.

We also witnessed cases of corruption at Air Zimbabwe and the NSSA where Prisca Mupfumira is still under investigations but the case looks so weak and likely to be thrown away. Justice delayed is justice denied. Government parastals are the most targeted areas of corruption.

The former toothless bulldog - Zimbabwe Anti Corruption failed to arrest even a single official. Anti Corruption was disbanded and then came Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC). People thought it was going to bite but no results are coming. The institution is rather captured.

The current President is also reading from the same script which his predecessor had always been reading about corruption but looks like he is even worst than Mugabe. As long as we keep sweeping corruption under our carpets Zimbabwe will repel investors away.

The level of corruption in Zimbabwe has now reached another critical angle and if no action is taken sure Zimbabwe is going to be a banana country and a laughing stock of other countries.

A once vibrant and jewel of African economy, Zimbabwe has now sunk deep in economic morass.

The regime's corruption and embelzement of public funds and ruthlessness has now gone beyond Ian Douglas Smith and Idi Amini.

The government has been accused of paying US$987 720 for #COVID19 goods worth US$325 000 according to a local publication The Morning Post.

This is the new dispensation which promised to eradicate the scourge of corruption in the country when it took over from Mugabe. It is not even better than the old one. The majority thought it was targeting criminals surrounding the President in November 2017 not knowing that they also wanted to join the gravy train.

Mugabe is looking like a saint now. Cry the beloved country.

It is unfortunate that the corruption is coming from those who sit at high political tables and think that Zimbabwe is their own homeland and  that they have a right to whatever they want without being bothered. This kind of behaviour has killed the nation.

The country has now been on the spotlight and abhor a history of misuse of public funds and resources. It cannot be a surprise that during Cyclone Idai, large sums of donated money were diverted into the pockets of these high profile leaders.

The Finance Ministry has now become more dangerous than the actual #Covid19 which we are fighting. Looting public funds on broad day is unacceptable.

We have criminals in the government. How many times have the people cried that Mangudya and Mthuli must go. Several times and no one is listening. Its a well oiled cartel.

I am challenging the ZACC Chairperson Mrs Loice Matanda Moyo and see whether she has the spine to flex her muscles on this corruption which has glaring evidence.

We can't be a country where politicians are seen busy looting, siphoning and milking the country dry. This has now exposed on how the permanent secretary of health Dr Mahomva was reassigned for flagging corruption at the ministry.  We are taking a very fatal direction where our speed is not gathering no moss.

Zimbabwe has become the incubator of poverty being fleeced left , right and centre.
