China and Huawei bad deal for Canada

Once again, China’s dictators are hurling insults at Canada because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won’t overturn a court decision in B.C. last week allowing the U.S. extradition case against Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to proceed.

The same dictators who arrested and imprisoned Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor 539 days ago on charges of spying that Trudeau has called both an “arbitrary detention” and unacceptable international behaviour meant to pressure Canada into freeing Meng in exchange for the Two Michaels.

The same dictators who have the gall to equate China’s justice system — where Kovrig and Spavor have been held in custody under harsh conditions — with ours, where Meng is free on bail, living in one of her Vancouver mansions.

These same dictators hid the severity of COVID-19 from the world until it was too late to stop it from becoming a pandemic that has caused both a worldwide public health emergency and an economic disaster.

These same dictators are engaged in yet another vicious campaign to snuff out democracy in Hong Kong.

All of that raises the question of why Canada would want to have anything to do with China, or its telecommunications giant Huawei, in the development of Canada’s 5G telecommunications network.

Especially so given that our closest allies, including the U.S., U.K., Australia and New Zealand — who along with Canada make up the Five Eyes intelligence network — are balking at allowing Huawei to develop their 5G networks due to global security concerns.

Those concerns are shared by the Canadian military and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, as reported by the Globe and Mail.

To be clear, Meng and Huawei deny they are guilty of the allegations by the U.S. government that they conspired to commit bank and wire fraud to violate American sanctions against Iran.

Huawei and China also deny participation in corporate espionage and intellectual property theft anywhere in the world.

But based on the precautionary principle alone, why would we want Huawei involved with the development of wireless communications technology in Canada?

And why is it taking so long for Trudeau to listen to the views of Canadians, 78% of whom oppose Huawei developing Canada’s 5G network, according to a recent poll by Angus Reid Institute?
