Argentine anti corruption office drops two cases against Cristina Kirchner and siblings

In the midst of the pandemic Argentine vice president, Cristina Fernandez managed one of the objectives that the opposition claims were part of the political agreement with current head of state Alberto Fernandez, who was elected with the landslide of votes from the former president.

In effect last week the Argentine Anti Corruption Office announced that it was withdrawing as a plaintiff in the money laundering court cases involving the Kirchner family, mother Cristina and siblings Maximo and Florencia.

Lawyers from the Anti Corruption Office headed by ex prosecutor Felix Crorus said that the monitoring of the case belongs more to the Ministry of Economy Unit of Financial Information, which precisely specializes in money laundering, plus the fact his office has limited resources to address past cases.

The money laundering scheme was simple, in exchange for public works contracts to Kirchner family close friends, the entrepreneurs Lazaro Baez and Cristobal Lopez would supposedly keep the hotels fully “booked” at above market rates for years, but actually were never occupied.

Crous also happens to be “K” militant and a close ally of Cristina Kirchner. The former prosecutor is part of a grouping called “Legitimate Justice” which pretends to demand politicians and media who were involved in “ill intended” investigations to compromise the good name and honor of progressive leaders such as Cristina Fernandez, Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa. This is also part of the so called “lawfare” campaign Cristina Fernandez claims has been launched against the good name of her deceased husband, herself and children.

Crous decision triggered an immediate complaint from the opposition who want him summoned to congress. Furthermore they accused president Alberto Fernandez of “consecrating impunity for the corruption of his vice president, Cristina Kirchner”

Likewise the opposition recalled that president Fernandez in his inauguration speech, 10 December, he promised to give the Anti Corruption Office more funds, tools and independence to fulfill its purpose. However it was not long before the office following on a presidential decree became a dependency from the Executive, and a Kirchnerite militant was named to head it.

Finally to make things look like an anniversary achievement, precisely this month a year ago an agreement was sealed between Cristina Fernandez and Alberto Fernandez who was invited to head the presidential ticket which overwhelmingly won October's presidential election.

“We're facing a systematic plan to guarantee impunity to all those investigated for corruption” pointed out the release signed by the three leaders of the opposition coalition.


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