Top of The Range Encrypted Telecommunications / Kingsmen International Group

Kingsmen International Group is proud to present an innovative Secured Mobile Telecommunication for Business & Personal usage.

As you know, Kingsmen International Group seeks to safeguard the security of you and your family/individuals/officers and officials who might be exposed to threat or adverse publicity. We believe that a basic requirement is secure mobile communications resistant to hacking and eavesdropping.

We all use our smartphones not only for personal calls, but also to access, contain and transfer sensitive information. The challenge is that today’s smartphones do too much and present an enormous attack surface so that a determined attacker can hack in relatively easily and obtain data of any kind. Even specialized phones simply do not provide adequate security to protect us.

For this reason, I wanted to let you know about the Kingsmen International Group PHONE which has been designed to meet the worst of threats and utilizes cutting-edge technologies to preventing eavesdropping, cyber-attacks and theft scenarios.

Kingsmen International Groups cell phone solution, providing a highly protected modern cellphone with multiple encrypted services:

1. Secured encrypted end-to-end voice calls and text/media messages over a secured private server

2. Encrypted VPN connection for securing confidential business apps data over public wireless networks

3. Anonymous WEB surfing over TOR network to keep user’s privacy

4. Confidential business apps and data are managed in a secured encrypted container

5. Voice calls and text/media messages over a secured private server

6. Personal Zone: User can install apps from the PlayStore only. Installing from unknown sources is disabled!

7. Developer options are disabled!

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you think you need a comprehensive mobile security solution and would like further information or discussion.

