US judge accepted Carlos Pólit to post bail for $14 million

Florida judge Jacqueline Becerra accepted a $14 million bail payment proposal for former Comptroller General Carlos Pólit, who is detained in the United States due to an investigation into alleged money laundering.

Initially, the justice of that country imposed a bail of $ 18 million. Then, the former official’s defense suggested paying $11 million, which was denied. Later he proposed that it be $14 million, to which the judge did agree. Of this last amount, $11.5 million come from real estate belonging to his two sons, John and Charles Pólit.

The accepted commitment is that people close to the former official, who would be his wife and children, pay a percentage of the total and that in the event that Pólit does not appear at the hearings they are responsible for the cancellation of the total bail. Additionally, the judge ordered that $200,000 be deposited in the judicial registry.

The judge ordered other conditions to guarantee Pólit’s appearance at trial: the use of electronic shackles for his monitoring, house arrest in his daughter’s house, restriction of visits and the delivery of his passports and travel documents along with those of his wife.

The only exceptions provided for house arrest are visits to doctors or their lawyers and court appearances.

Polit was arrested on March 28 lastaccused of using the financial system of that country to “launder” the $ 8 million that he would have obtained as bribes from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht for the alleged fading of glosses in Ecuador. Furthermore, the indictment mentions contracts with Seguros Sucre.

In the document with which he is released, the time that will not be counted within the process of the abbreviated trial was extended for two additional weeks. The date set is until May 17.

Capture of the bail document granted to the former Comptroller General of the State, Carlos Pólit Faggioni, in Miami.

Last week, the court had decided to extend the term of the process for four weeks, which expired tomorrow, Wednesday. The measure was adopted with the agreement of the prosecutors and the defense of Pólit. It was argued that the case was complex and that there was a desire by the parties to find possible solutions, according to US court documents.

With the new extension, the term of the abbreviated trial would expire in mid-June, although it is not ruled out that it will be extended again.

In Ecuador, Pólit has a six-year prison sentence for being the author of the crime of concussion. This precisely for demanding money in exchange for the vanishing of glosses from the Brazilian company Odebrecht.
